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Creamy Mushroom Pasta

Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, VeganⓋ

Yeah yeah, otra receta con mi Original Cashew Milk


1 Tbsp de Vegan Butter

1 Diente de Ajo

1/2 Cebolla

1 Taza de Hongos Portobelo (o el de tu preferencia)

2 Tbsp de Harina de Tapioca

1/2 taza de tu Original Cashew Milk (Puedes regularla según el nivel de cremosidad que buscas)


1. En un sartén , coloca la mantequija junto con el ajo y agregale la cebolla.

2. Seguido los Hongos y cocinar por unos minutos.

3. Cuando la cebolla esté translúcida, colocar las cucharadas de Harina de Tapioca y revolver.

4. Agregar la leche, y colocar sal y pimienta al gusto.

5. Servir con tu pasta preferida, en mi caso Gluten-Free


Yeah yeah, another recipe with my Original Cashew Milk Ingredients 1 Tbsp of Vegan Butter 1 clove garlic 1/2 onion 1 Cup of Portobelo Mushrooms (or the one of your preference) 2 Tbsp of Tapioca Flour 1/2 cup of your Original Cashew Milk (You can regulate it according to the level of creaminess you are looking for) Instructions 1. In a frying pan, place the butter together with the garlic and add the onion. 2. Followed the mushrooms and cook for a few minutes. 3. When the onion is translucent, place the tablespoons of Tapioca Flour and stir. 4. Add the milk, and add salt and pepper to taste. 5. Serve with your favorite pasta, in my case Gluten-Free

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